Cervical - Facial Lift
Facial aging appears with a progression and speed that can vary depending on the individual, his or her family predisposition, and the lifestyle he or she leads. It occurs in all elements of the face: skin, subcutaneous fat, and deep muscles. The result is a weighting that is often particularly noticeable at the level of the lower third of the face and neck. In these cases, only the Cervico-Facial Lifting, which is the prince procedure in Facial Aging Surgery, makes it possible to correct such imperfections by repositioning, stably over time, the structures involved in this process. In fact, the skin and deeper tissues, particularly the musculature, are properly traced and stabilized while trying to restore the correct proportions and harmony of the face.

Cervical - Facial Lift

Facial aging appears with a progression and speed that can vary depending on the individual, his or her family predisposition, and the lifestyle he or she leads. It occurs in all elements of the face: skin, subcutaneous fat, and deep muscles. The result is a weighting that is often particularly noticeable at the level of the lower third of the face and neck. In these cases, only the Cervico-Facial Lifting, which is the prince procedure in Facial Aging Surgery, makes it possible to correct such imperfections by repositioning, stably over time, the structures involved in this process. In fact, the skin and deeper tissues, particularly the musculature, are properly traced and stabilized while trying to restore the correct proportions and harmony of the face.

Ptosis (descent) of the eyebrow is a phenomenon often underestimated in the treatment of facial aging by both the Patient and, unfortunately, some Surgeons. In fact, in more than half of the cases of Patients who are candidates for an Upper Blepharoplasty, the problem is not only eyelid skin exuberance but also ptosis of the eyebrow, especially at the level of its lateral portion. The ideal treatment must necessarily combine Blepharoplasty with Brow Lift surgery. The most widely used and effective methods involve either a so-called “direct” approach, with an easily camouflaged incision in the uppermost portion of the eyebrow itself or, as is more frequently preferred, by means of a trans-temporal approach by means of a small incision in the capillitium, which remains completely invisible and through which the lateral third of the eyebrow is raised.

Ptosis (descent) of the eyebrow is a phenomenon often underestimated in the treatment of facial aging by both the Patient and, unfortunately, some Surgeons. In fact, in more than half of the cases of Patients who are candidates for an Upper Blepharoplasty, the problem is not only eyelid skin exuberance but also ptosis of the eyebrow, especially at the level of its lateral portion. The ideal treatment must necessarily combine Blepharoplasty with Brow Lift surgery. The most widely used and effective methods involve either a so-called “direct” approach, with an easily camouflaged incision in the uppermost portion of the eyebrow itself or, as is more frequently preferred, by means of a trans-temporal approach by means of a small incision in the capillitium, which remains completely invisible and through which the lateral third of the eyebrow is raised.
Eyebrow lift

Ptosis (descent) of the eyebrow is a phenomenon often underestimated in the treatment of facial aging by both the Patient and, unfortunately, some Surgeons. In fact, in more than half of the cases of Patients who are candidates for an Upper Blepharoplasty, the problem is not only eyelid skin exuberance but also ptosis of the eyebrow, especially at the level of its lateral portion. The ideal treatment must necessarily combine Blepharoplasty with Brow Lift surgery. The most widely used and effective methods involve either a so-called “direct” approach, with an easily camouflaged incision in the uppermost portion of the eyebrow itself or, as is more frequently preferred, by means of a trans-temporal approach by means of a small incision in the capillitium, which remains completely invisible and through which the lateral third of the eyebrow is raised.
Eyebrow lift
Ptosis (descent) of the eyebrow is a phenomenon often underestimated in the treatment of facial aging by both the Patient and, unfortunately, some Surgeons. In fact, in more than half of the cases of Patients who are candidates for an Upper Blepharoplasty, the problem is not only eyelid skin exuberance but also ptosis of the eyebrow, especially at the level of its lateral portion. The ideal treatment must necessarily combine Blepharoplasty with Brow Lift surgery. The most widely used and effective methods involve either a so-called “direct” approach, with an easily camouflaged incision in the uppermost portion of the eyebrow itself or, as is more frequently preferred, by means of a trans-temporal approach by means of a small incision in the capillitium, which remains completely invisible and through which the lateral third of the eyebrow is raised.


“Lip-lifting” or upper lip lift is an increasingly popular technique for patients that provides definitive upper lip reshaping
In fact very often the upper lip also as a direct consequence of aging processes loses definition at the level of the Cupid’s bow, flattens and increases its vertical dimension (the distance between the columella and the vermilion). There are various surgical techniques involving different incisions, the most widely used and one that ensures a well-hidden scar at the level of the alaro-facial fold and columella is the “bullhorn” scar. Indeed, thanks to this technique, a well-defined, natural, and harmonious upper lip is achieved that does not require additional filler injection treatments.

“Lip-lifting” or upper lip lift is an increasingly popular technique for patients that provides definitive upper lip reshaping
In fact very often the upper lip also as a direct consequence of aging processes loses definition at the level of the Cupid’s bow, flattens and increases its vertical dimension (the distance between the columella and the vermilion). There are various surgical techniques involving different incisions, the most widely used and one that ensures a well-hidden scar at the level of the alaro-facial fold and columella is the “bullhorn” scar. Indeed, thanks to this technique, a well-defined, natural, and harmonious upper lip is achieved that does not require additional filler injection treatments.

Otoplasty is a Surgical Procedure aimed at correcting the imperfections of the auricle. The most frequently encountered malformation is represented by so-called “fan ears,” which are characterized by an ear pinna that is particularly detached from the head due to an open oto-mastoid angle and the absence of the antihelix (the major fold of the ear pinna). This surgical procedure allows the shape, size, and hairline of the auricle to be changed by remodeling the cartilaginous scaffold, which is performed by weakening the cartilage and, if necessary, also using stabilizing sutures that allow the physiological folds and curvatures typical of normal auricular anatomy to be restored. The residual scar is completely hidden at the level of the retro-auricular sulcus.
Otoplasty is a Surgical Procedure aimed at correcting the imperfections of the auricle. The most frequently encountered malformation is represented by so-called “fan ears,” which are characterized by an ear pinna that is particularly detached from the head due to an open oto-mastoid angle and the absence of the antihelix (the major fold of the ear pinna). This surgical procedure allows the shape, size, and hairline of the auricle to be changed by remodeling the cartilaginous scaffold, which is performed by weakening the cartilage and, if necessary, also using stabilizing sutures that allow the physiological folds and curvatures typical of normal auricular anatomy to be restored. The residual scar is completely hidden at the level of the retro-auricular sulcus.